Case studies

Exit Advisory


  • Successful business brokers and exit advisory firm 
  • Skilled Pipedrive users
  • Boutique business growing rapidly
  • Offered a wide-range of services including exit planning, valuations, franchise services and business sales


  • Existing Pipedrive clients and experienced and capable users who knew what they wanted  
  • Wanted to decrease the complexity of their systems 
  • Many manual processes some of which were deeply ingrained
  • Large amounts of existing data that needed to be moved as the system changed during implementation 


  • Introduce Pipedrive workflow automations to remove the busy work and allow staff to focus on the important tasks
  • Use the Pipedrive to implement Motii’s custom business broking solution 
  • Adjust the Hierarchical setup in Pipedrive so that the system is able to be properly used for the business broking industry 
  • Integrate external systems via Zapier saving time and money through automation 
  • Adjust permission and visibility settings so that Exit advisory could move down to a lower-level of Pipedrive saving thousands of dollars per annum 
  • Remove complexity from the system by removing pipelines and refining custom fields 


  • Many hours per week saved for the founders with the introduction of automations - both workflow automations and Zapier
  • Cut staff costs by providing training and expertise that sped up internal processes 
  • Decrease in levels of frustration due to a simpler and easier to use system 
  • Hierarchical issues were overcome with the implementation of Motii business broking API layer
Shanti Bedard, Exit Advisory, Australia. A Motii Pipedrive CRM customer.
We've been using Pipedrive for years and consider ourselves experienced and capable users.  With Motii's help we were able to dramatically decrease the complexity of our Pipedrive setup by merging many pipelines and looking at things from another angle. Motii was then able to streamline the day to day processes using Pipedrive automations and Zapier, saving us time and money. 
As our team grew, visibility became more important so Motii dove deep into Pipedrive permissions finding out ways that we could save thousands per year but still get the system to do what we needed.  
Finally, Motii have helped us take a big leap into automated marketing, and it's only the beginning. They strive to find the easy way to do things by removing complexity and thinking a few steps ahead, as a business owner wearing many hats this is incredibly welcomed. Shanti Bedard, Exit Advisory

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Company profile

Exit Advisory

Sydney, Australia
Business Broking
Company size
5 to 10 employees
Key features
System simplification, Workflow automations, Zapier, data surfacing, dashboard reports ​

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