
Motii Academy

Choose a CRM partner who can train and motivate your team

There is more to successfully implementing a CRM than getting it right technically. Your team has to embrace the change. Adoption is half the challenge. Motii's proven methods work with teams from five to 500 people.

The Motii Pipedrive Academy guarantees that your team will attain expert-level status. One-on-one or one-on-many live training sessions reinforce the Academy learnings and put your team on a path to success.

Sales Coaching

Remote Courses

Learn anywhere, any time - launching soon

With beginner, intermediate and expert courses, your team can develop the skills they need to succeed.

Video Content

Beautifully engaging courseware

No boring textbooks or PowerPoint presentations. Instead enjoy video-based training and getting hands-on with Pipedrive.

One on ONe

Hands on personal coaching

Our one-on-one and one-on-many live coaching sessions impart knowledge and allow your team to ask questions and understand the ins and outs of Pipedrive.

Tailored to you

Learning designed for you and your team

Motii makes custom videos based on your Pipedrive setup for every client. Each system is unique and we tailor our videos and training to account for that.

Results based

Results oriented outcomes

All the training and study in the world means nothing unless your team comes out of the sessions with the knowledge they need. Results matter in the business world and Motii gives your team the tools to succeed.

Continously improve

Tomorrows best practice today

Whether your team is new to Pipedrive or are seasoned veterans, Motii's unique academy and training program helps them implement best-practice processes.

Read About Our Success Stories

Setting up for a seven-figure growth surge

Motii was tasked by the Bucha of Byron to set up Pipedrive and train their Australian-wide sales team.

Providing premium customer experiences at scale

Realista have a diverse client-base spanning three continents, more than 10 countries and multiple languages.

Unlocking a more than 150% revenue boost for USA's leading brokerage

With 26 phones lines, tens of thousands of prospects and high-volume selling with more than 200 buyers to sort through in three days.

Latest updates

The Monthly Multiplier: Upgrading Your Pipedrive Experience in 2 Powerful Ways

Pipedrive is a powerful CRM, but as your business scales, its basic functionalities might not be enough. The question isn't whether to ditch Pipedrive altogether, but how to unlock its full potential and avoid the Frankenstein monster of cobbled-together sales solutions.

Ben Fuller

Co-founder at Motii

The Future of Pipedrive: How AI is Revolutionising Sales Automation

Want to see the future of Pipedrive in action? Head over to the Motii YouTube channel for more Pipedrive feature updates and a replay of our recent AI in Sales Showcase!

Ben Milligan

CRM Expert

We Exist to Make Selling Successful

Motii exists to help your business scale-up and thrive. Our team are passionate about diving deeply into your business and developing customised solutions. We then provide specialised training and support to ensure company-wide adoption and project success.

Learn more about our story

"Going into this project to we knew that we had a complex use case. And on top of that we were migrating data from Salesforce. The Motii team was able to take ownership of everything and guide us every step of the way. The attention to detail was fantastic. It was obvious that Motii were highly-experienced in not only in Pipedrive but also in analysing businesses and applying that analysis to building a great system. They were constantly one-step ahead when it comes to identifying potential issues. Their ability to get in and understand our systems and processes made all the difference. The Motii live training sessions and video-based training manuals ensured immediate and long-term success. This enabled our team to make the transition from Salesforce smoothly."

Daniel O'Donoghue, CONQA, Melbourne, Australia