Case studies



  • Malaysia’s leading payroll platform
  • Clients include Petros, Mint, Fama Group, Setel and 1,000’s of Malaysia’s SMEs
  • Over 70 staff 
  • Part of the Jibble group 


  • Pipedrive had been implemented but adoption rates could be lifted
  • Client was already highly skilled in Pipedrive 
  • A complex industry with large variety of products and solutions 
  • Large amounts of existing data needed to be surfaced and reported on


  • Train-the-trainer style consulting assistance
  • A focus on reporting and results 
  • Create easy to use dashboards that surfaced KPIs for 4 key internal teams
  • Simplified the system by removing and combining pipelines 
  • Adjusted custom fields so reporting was actually meaningful 
  • Implemented automations improving productivity 
  • Live training sessions and a focus on upskilling already proficient Users 
Toine Vaessen - PayrollPanda, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A Motii Pipedrive CRM customer.
"We engaged the team at Motii to provide expert advice re our Pipedrive setup. The fact that they have an office in SE Asia was a big plus as working on the same timezone certainly makes things easier and understanding that there is a different culture at play also helps. 
Payroll Panda had been using Pipedrive for a quite a period of time and we knew our way around it extremely well. However, we understood that to get the most out of it we needed someone who could provide specialised Pipedrive training, taking into our unique Pipedrive setup and large teams already on the system. 
Ben from Motii was great, after six or so sessions working together, we were able to simplify our processes by removing pipelines and adjusting our use of custom fields. And by automating manual tasks we were able to improve productivity. The engagement was a big success and came in on budget.
We recommend Ben and the team at Motii if you want to get the most out of Pipedrive" Toine Vaessen - PayrollPanda, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • A successful consultation 
  • Key reports created and rolled out across the 4 teams 
  • The focus on Activities based selling lifted adoption rates 
  • A team that is happy and comfortable with their new system 
  • Management that now has easier access to key data 
  • And the ability to dig deeper into the data to surface important insights not previously available

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Company profile


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Fiance and Payments
Company size
70+ employees
Key features
System review, expert level training, reports and dashboards, drive adoption rates, upskill users

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