
The Top 5 Benefits of a Pipedrive CRM for Manufacturing Companies

The Top 5 Benefits of a Pipedrive CRM for Manufacturing Companies

Pipedrive is a great sales CRM but it is an even better relationship management tool. It helps you manage customer relationships — including managing customer information, leads and opportunities, deals, quotes and order statuses — to create better customer experiences.

But many manufacturers think that they don’t require a sales and customer relationship focused CRM and are happy to get by with their old ERP system’s sales interface where it is hard to find prospects and sales fall through the cracks. Bu the industry has evolved over the past 10-years with the emergence of best-in-class sales cloud-based CRMs like Pipedrive. 

These new market entrants have a more customer-centric approach and over the last few years companies that use them have begun to dominate their competitors who are still using their old ERP platforms for sales. 

Motii has helped many large manufacturers and distributors move their sales and admin teams from platforms like SAP and NetSuite and the results have been spectacular. Pipedrive CRM is an invaluable tool to help manufacturer sales teams be more organised, sell more products, and create happier customers.

Knowing where deals stand in your sales pipeline is critical. But without a CRM like Pipedrive, gaining that insight can be a confusing, jumbled process. Not having this visibility costs sales, time and wastes advertising spend. 

Of course, you can use your old ERP to  to track each lead as it travels through your sales cycle. But that is often difficult and inefficient. The issues you face accessing data can prevent you from scaling as the sales just don't materialise. The conversions rates are well below industry standard and because each interaction in the ERP, requires too much manual work and doesn’t provide true visibility.

And if you manage to close a sale in your ERP system, the act of generating and sending the contract to the customer can be laborious and time-consuming. With Pipedrive and the easy use of merge tags you can pull already existing data straight into your contract. And easily manage all your contracts. You will be able to provide more efficient and effective service and these signed contracts feed back into your CRM provisioning an accurate and complete view of your sales via Pipedrive’s live BI reporting platform.

Six reasons why switching to a modern cloud-based CRM like Pipedrive will benefit your business 

1. Better Demand Forecasting

Pipedrive's revenue and sales forecast reports forecast future sales growth based on their pipeline of potential deals. You can easily assign closing probabilities based on historical sales and get a better understanding of what is going to land and when. 

Pipedrive also provides you with a real-time sales forecast. Based on this data, you can better plan production runs and stock orders. ,

This visibility into the future makes it easier to deal with any potential problems early on, ensuring happier customers and a less stressful plant. 

2. Product  Improvements

Pipedrive helps your team keep in contact with your customers and this better communication with your end-users gives you better, more timely feedback You can then make adjustments to your offering earlier, meeting market expectations before your competitors. 

3. Better Sales Conversion Rates 

Conversion rates are easily generated in beautiful reports and dashboards across a range of key metrics: salesperson, team, region, pipeline, product and so on. 

Once you can measure your conversions rates you can then work with your sales team to improve them. 

This means a more organised sales team, and a better-managed sales pipeline leading to increased performance by your sales team and more closed deals.

4. Increased Loyalty and Higher Customer Satisfaction

Pipedrive isn't just a tool for potential customers, it’s also vital for managing the relationship you have with your current client-base. 

Having more customer information that is more easily accessible assists with communication and Pipedrive’s email, activity and automation functions mean more regular and effective communication leading to a strong relationship. Faster response times for sales and to customer enquires about the status of their current orders generate higher customer satisfaction rates. 

When you have the support of your client-base, business becomes easier. The marketing team can spend less dollars for better results and those relationships that you nurture in this way tend to last longer and have a higher lifetime customer value. 

A CRM leads to better communication with your customers, which means more feedback from them about your products, which translates to more rapid and effective product improvements. This is thanks again to your sales projections. Having a window into customers’ buying patterns enables you to leverage that data to increase sales.

Historical data reveals the peak order times and downtimes for each customer. And with the CRM data mapped out by big data analytics tools, your team can make informed decisions not only when to sell, but also what to sell.

Your sales team or customer success managers can then use this information in upselling and cross-selling, using the crunched numbers to identify the best times and products for cross-selling and upselling. For example, a customer’s peak ordering time is a good entry point for both cross-selling and upselling, since the customer’s already in a buying mindset. And if the additional purchase adds value and is relevant, you’re even more likely to boost the sale size.

5. Better Supply Chain Visibility

Combining the sales forecast data from Pipedrive with your existing knowledge of inventory management, operations, warehousing, order processing and distribution allows for better production planning and supply chain management. 

Having a more visible supply chain chives you the tools you need to better manage production schedules and inventory levels, as well as assisting in purchasing and procuring materials.

6. Increased Sales

This is the big one. Pipedrive is a valuable tool in many aspects but above all else is its ability to increase sales by leveraging the knowledge of your current team to gain more customers. It may be that your sales team is stale or maybe they're brilliant but hamstrung by their current hard to use ERP platform? Either way, bringing in a system like Pipedrive that is so intuitive and such a pleasure to use, transforms teams in a matter of months.  

And it isn't just the sales team. Communication between support and sales can enhance. Marketing loves the new detailed customer feedback and management love the new reports that give them greater insights and take seconds rather than hours to prepare before a meeting. 

Ben Fuller

Associate Director at Motii

Associate Director at Motii | Pipedrive CRM Experts | Pipedrive and official partner in the APAC region | Pipedrive global partner of the year

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