
Leveraging Lead Enrichment for Targeted Pipedrive Campaigns

In today's data-driven marketing landscape, simply having a list of leads isn't enough. To truly maximise your Pipedrive campaign strategy, you need detailed, comprehensive profiles of your potential customers. This is where lead enrichment comes in.

‍What is Lead Enrichment?

Lead enrichment is the process of gathering additional data points about your existing leads to create richer, more informative profiles. This data can come from a variety of sources, such as:

  • Public Records
  • Social media profiles
  • Purchase history
  • Website visits

By enriching your leads, you gain a deeper understanding of their needs, interests, and behaviours. This allows you to:

  • Personalise your messaging: Craft targeted messages that resonate with each individual lead's specific pain points and preferences.
  • Improve conversion rates: Tailor your campaigns to address the specific needs of qualified leads, leading to a higher chance of conversion.
  • Streamline your sales process: Equip your sales team with the information they need to have more informed and productive conversations with leads.

‍Lead Enrichment for Powerful Pipedrive Campaigns

Pipedrive's visual sales pipeline makes it easy to track leads throughout the sales journey. However, to truly optimise your Pipedrive campaigns, you need to ensure your leads are well-enriched. Here's how it benefits you:

  • Increased Personalisation: With enriched data, you can segment your Pipedrive campaigns based on demographics, interests, and buying stage. This allows you to send highly personalised emails, social media messages, and landing pages that resonate with each lead.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: By understanding your leads' needs and pain points, you can craft targeted offers and messages that are more likely to convert them into paying customers.
  • Better Lead-Scoring: Enriched lead data allows you to create a more accurate lead-scoring system within Pipedrive. This helps you prioritise leads with the highest potential for conversion.


Lead Enrichment Tools for Use with Pipedrive

There are numerous lead enrichment tools available, each with its own strengths and functionalities. Here's a quick breakdown of some popular options:

  • Surfe: A must-have for every salesperson, Surfe integrates seamlessly with Pipedrive and allows you to capture, sync and enrich contacts in LinkedIn. Join our upcoming webinar for a Motii-exclusive discount code.
  • Lusha: Provides verified business email addresses and phone numbers for lead prospecting. Offers a free Chrome extension for quick lead enrichment on various platforms. Best value for money!
  • Rocket Reach: Another popular tool for finding verified contact information for B2B sales and outreach. Rocket Reach boasts high deliverability rates for outreach campaigns. Second best value for money!
  • A comprehensive sales engagement platform that includes lead enrichment features. Apollo offers functionalities like email finding, verification, and lead-scoring alongside meeting scheduling and outreach automation. Best for certain industries. 
  • ZoomInfo: A robust B2B database that provides in-depth contact and company information. ZoomInfo excels at comprehensive lead searching and prospecting across various industries. Can be expensive but best in market (negotiate hard!)
  • Cognism (The Prospector Tool by Pipedrive): Pipedrive's native lead enrichment tool, Cognism helps you find quality leads and enrich existing data points within your CRM.

Motii: Your Lead Enrichment Partner for Pipedrive

At Motii, we’re passionate about optimising your sales workflow. Our Pipedrive CRM experts can help you unlock the full potential of your Pipedrive experience. We can teach you (or your team) how to use Pipedrive more effectively, set up new lead enrichment integrations, customise Pipedrive to perfectly suit your needs or help you migrate from a different CRM altogether!


Ready to Take Your Pipedrive Campaigns to the Next Level?

Join Pipedrive CRM expert and Motii co-founder, Ben Fuller, for the first session in our exclusive 3-part marketing automation series called:

“Level Up Your Pipedrive Marketing with Campaigns, Automation & Lead Nurturing”

In this jam-packed session, you'll learn how to:

  • Master Pipedrive Campaigns: Discover the difference between campaigns and native sync, and unlock expert tips to create high-performing campaigns that drive results.
  • Craft Targeted Email Journeys: Ditch bulk emailing and build automated email sequences that nurture leads and convert them into sales-ready prospects.
  • Supercharge Your Leads: Explore the power of lead enrichment tools to transform basic leads into data-rich goldmines for your sales team.
  • Boost Your Sales Pipeline: Witness how effective marketing automation can automate tasks, nurture leads, and dramatically improve your sales pipeline.

Plus, you'll get:

  • Actionable Insights: Avoid email marketing pitfalls and the dreaded spam filter with our expert list of do’s and don’ts. 
  • Live Q&A: Get your burning questions answered during our live session.

BONUS: Webinar registrants will also unlock an exclusive 30% discount code on Surfe!

Register now and take your Pipedrive marketing to the next level - LINK HERE


Ben Fuller

Co-founder at Motii

Serial successful start-up Founder, and former C-level executive, Ben understands that data and systems are what makes everything tick.

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