Motii offers a FREE tailored onboarding package to get your Pipedrive system up and running

Choose your own adventure - you can come to these meetings with a list of questions you want answered or we can aim to follow the agenda below. Or both!

Session 1

We'll show you the power of Pipedrive and then evaluate your needs with a demo and diagnostic workshop. Then we review your situation, problems and requirements and take care of the Pipedrive basics for you.

45 minute session includes:

  • Business 360 review
  • Pipedrive demo
  • Sync emails with Pipedrive
  • Pipedrive Pipelines
  • Leads vs Deals
  • Activity Training

Session 2

We design a customised solution based on the results of our first session. We devise an action plan and begin process of turning Pipedrive into a sales machine for your business.

45 minute session includes:

  • Custom Fields
  • Activity Types setup
  • Lost Reasons
  • Team onboarding
  • Workflows and automations

Session 3

We work with you to fine tune your Pipedrive sales engine to ensure you can make the most of your trial and ensure the best chance of success.

45 minute session includes:

  • Reporting 101
  • Data structures
  • Custom filter views for Activities
  • User permissions and security
  • Review your sales processes
  • Integrations and optimisations

"With offices in eleven countries across Asia and all of these different teams using different systems, we knew we had challenges ahead. The Motii team met that challenge head-on and succeeded in implementing a system on time and on budget. Our criteria was that the solution must be: easy to use, adopted by all users, training must be provided for each team and country, management must be able to easily generate the reports they required, and our finance and other teams could pull the data they need. Motii succeeded in all areas."

Cathy Mead, Destination Asia, Bangkok, Thailand