
Streamline Data Organisation with Pipedrive's Grouping of Fields Feature

Pipedrive has always been committed to enhancing the user experience, and the introduction of the Grouping of Fields feature is yet another testament to this dedication. This feature is designed to transform the way you organise and manage your data, offering a more efficient and intuitive approach.


The Power of Field Groups - With the Field Grouping feature, you can now create custom groups for your fields, making it easier than ever to categorise and effectively manage your data.
Admin users have the ability to: 
  1. ‍Create New Custom Field Groups: Tailor your CRM by designing field groups that align perfectly with your business needs and processes‍
  2. Reorder Groups: Customise the placement of these groups in the details organising and view of the workspace
  3. ‍Reorder Custom Fields within Groups: Fine tune the order of custom fields within each group for improved accessibility

Non-Admin users also benefit from this feature by being able to:

1. View Groups and Custom Fields: Gain clear visibility into custom field groups and their associated fields.‍

2. Expand or Collapse Groups: Customise your view by expanding or collapsing groups based on what you need at any given time.

Plan Availability 

It’s important to note that this feature is accessible to users with Professional, Power, and Enterprise plans. Those on these plans can take advantage of field grouping to improve their data management capabilities.


Feedback from Users and User Expectations

User feedback and discussions have played a role in the development of this feature. Many users have expressed the need for a more customised experience within their CRM, particularly when dealing with a large number of custom fields. The introduction of field grouping addresses these concerns by offering a streamlined and user friendly interface. With the ability to group fields and customise their placement, you can now tailor your CRM according to your business requirements.

This innovation reflects Pipedrive's commitment to providing a CRM system that grows alongside your business needs. As your data requirements evolve, the Grouping of Fields feature ensures that your workspace remains intuitive, adaptable & user friendly.


Keeping Your Data Organised

In conclusion, the Grouping of Fields feature in Pipedrive CRM is revolutionary for organising data. Both administrators and regular users can now benefit from a workspace that's more efficient and customised to their requirements. This new feature from Pipedrive enables businesses to have more control over their CRM experience, providing a solution that adjusts as their needs evolve.

If you're prepared to revolutionise the way you arrange and handle your data, delve into the Pipedrive Grouping of Fields feature and discover a CRM that's better organised and more user friendly today.


Want to speak to a Pipedrive expert? Book a time here 


Ben Fuller

Co-founder at Motii

Serial successful start-up Founder, and former C-level executive, Ben understands that data and systems are what makes everything tick.

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